
H&S DAY 2 EDIT-08.jpg

“It makes me feel special to create artwork. I feel excited when people say they like my artwork.”

Ella is a visual artist. She loves to draw flowers and bright patterns. Ella’s work is featured on the Google Arts & Culture website as part of The Way I See It art project. Her work has also been featured on the White Pube website and at South London Gallery. Ella is also a radio presenter and producer and works on Heart n Soul’s radio show on Soho Radio.

In the future Ella would like to create more designs for the Heart n Soul shop, do more radio and wants to visit more art galleries so everyone has more of a chance of sharing their artwork in them.

Recently I have designed flowery designs which we have made into a jumper and scarf for the Heart n Soul shop, go check them out.”

SHOP ella

Adele Jeffs